Africa & the World: 1900 to Today

Are you looking for excellent resources to teach lessons on the history Africa?  When you become a member of, you get UNLIMITED access to ALL OUR RESOURCES from 1200 CE to today’s modern era, including our lessons on the history of Africa! 


This product includes a Power Point and Printable Student Notes. Also, if you don’t want to teach this material through a presentation, there is a reading guide worksheet to do instead. There is also an extra vocabulary worksheet and other resources. The items come in Microsoft and PDF formats.  We are constantly adding new world history worksheets, Power Points, printables, tests, quizzes, word searches, webquests, bell ringers, videos, and other resources!

The content covered is as follows:

Africa & the World: 1900 to Today

West Africa, slavery, Eli Whitney, Cotton Gin, Belgium, King Leopold the 2nd (1835-1909), rubber, dismemberment, the Congo, Europe, imperialism, Zulu, Anglo-Zulu War of 1879, South Africa, Léopold Senghor (1906-2001), the Negritude Movement, self-rule, decolonization, colonies, independence movements, Egypt, Muhammad Ali (1769-1849), the Ottoman Empire, Ismail Pasha (1830-1895), Suez Canal, France, Britain, Mohamed Naguib (1901-1984), King Farouk (1920-1965), Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-1970), Ghana, Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972), Pan-Africanism, segregation, Jim Crow laws, Civil Rights, Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968), Rosa Parks (1913-2005), Alabama, boycotts, W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963), Malcom X (1925-1965), Brown vs. Board of Education, desegregated schools, the National Liberation Council, Emmanuel Kwasi Kotoka (1926-1967), Nana Akufo-Addo (1944-present), Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta (1897-1978), the Mau Mau Uprising, the Shifta War from 1963-1967, Somalia, Daniel arap Moi (1924-present), Communism, Cold War, Algeria, Islam, Muslims, Christians, the National Liberation Front (FLN), the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962), Ahamed Ben Bella (1916-2012), the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), Abdelaziz Bouteflika (1937-present), Morocco, Tunisia, Mobutu Sese Seko (1930-1997), Zaire, Laurent-Désiré Kabila (1939-2001), coups, the First Congo War (1996-1997), the Second Congo War (1997-2003), the Great African War, the African World War, Joseph Kabila (1971-present), Hutu, Tutsi, genocide, Rwanda, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe (1924-present), Laurent-Désiré Kabila, Nambia, Angola, Thabo Mbeki (1942-present), the Sun City Agreement, Portugal, Angola, the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), the Soviet Union, the USA, the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), Joao Lourenco (1954-present), Mozambique, the Republic of South Africa (RSA), Charles Robberts Swart (1894-1982), racism, apartheid, Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), and MORE!!!